Ignored Patient | Poem

Ignored patient

Ignored and Battered patient

It is terrible to be a patient and not be heard
Terrible to be in distress and that distress ignored

Indifference, cruelty and intentional harm
Mind-sets in cultures of domineering minds
Men of medicine, women too, lacking skills and knowledge
Miss the story, miss the diagnosis causing harm
Others rejoice confidently in blissful ignorance
Their hospitals adopted Cultures of Cruelty and Corruption
Patients become victims, tortured in wee hours

It is terrible to be a patient and not be heard
Terrible to be in distress and that distress ignored

Patients unfamiliar with this world of big words
Replete with interlocking mazes, overwhelming
Left to float, searching helplessly, hoping for compassion
These frightful hours of illness, made worse, providers
Help me, have you no empathy or soul? Hold my hand
Please, I am in pain and in need of healthcare!
None for you tonight you suffer and we feast on you
Others watch and snicker in blistering laughter

It is terrible to be a patient and not be heard
Terrible to be in distress and that distress ignored

by Angela Grant


Ignored Patient


MY MCAD HEARING TODAY http://failuretolisten.com/2014/01/21/my-mcad-hearing-today/


Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

2 thoughts on “Ignored Patient | Poem

  1. Dear Angy,

    I’ve met you only by e-mail and in pictures
    but I told you I did close you into my heart, thoughts and trust :
    I cannot change your self-destructive negativity at once, but I want you to STÒP it NOW and give entrance to trust in the surrender you’re forced to at this moment, trust in your own strength and trust in your dependency of others who love you and want you to return in your familiar strength as soon as possible.
    Yes, there ARE people who really love Angela Grant and want to take care for you, your mind and your body during this period you cannot arrange it yourself.
    And I want you to give them and me a chance to reach you and help you.
    But YOU are the only one to get rid of your negativity, mentioned above, to help ME and your doctors to reach your and our goal : the return of Angy into health.

  2. Hi Bart,

    I know you mean well, and I do care greatly about you.

    You did not experience what I did. I know I am not alone, making it critical I DO something. I cannot re-enter medicine pretending this did not occur; it did! I tried by attending some conferences, and I did not FIT; partly, because my perspectives changed. I was almost killed by my own colleagues and most of them do not give a SHIT!!!! How can I feel comfortable? I do not belong.

    For over 20 years, I tolerated daily insults and NEGATIVE innuendos about my race and culture–the price of being me. Tufts went beyond any nightmare to put things in a totally new light (for me). They treated me worse when I finally told them I was a physician: They got angrier. In their jealous street minds, they were going to show this ‘nigger’ a thing or two and THEY DID! (Bart, they were not afraid of reprecussions. They knew their administration supported these behaviors and they were right.)

    If people want to help, stop telling me to be like them. Start helping me FIGHT TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER because they represent all that is BAD and DANGEROUS about medicine. Most people would not fight as I am; but, this is bigger than I. This is about HEALTHCARE, DISCRIMINATION, POOR CARE, PERJURY and FALSIYING MEDICAL RECORDS.

    Bart, thank you for caring. Please, I welcome attempts to help heal my mind and body. …I am trying. Last Tuesday’s MCAD hearing did wonders….

    ….haven’t you noticed I am more focused? 🙂

    I will be delighted at the opportunity to show exactly how Tufts Medical Center’s discriminatory behaviors resulted in poor care, readmission and harm. Yes, I am stuck until this is revealed! I can’t even stomach being around my colleagues for extended periods despite many being empathetic and compassionate.

    BTW, slight changes are not usually noticed yet make huge differences.


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