Military mom ‘proud’ of breast-feeding in uniform, despite criticism

Military mamas breast-feed with pride. A photo shoot at an Air Force base, intended to raise awareness about breast-feeding, has stirred up controversy.
Military mamas breast-feed with pride. A photo shoot at an Air Force base, intended to raise awareness about breast-feeding, has stirred up controversy.

Military mom ‘proud’ of breast-feeding in uniform, despite criticism


Is breast-feeding while in uniform conduct unbecoming to a military mom?

The debate over nursing in public got a new layer recently, when photos taken on an Air Force base began to circulate online. In the series of tasteful professional photos showing beaming moms as they nurse their kids, one jumps out: the photo of two servicewomen with their uniform shirts unbuttoned and hiked up to breast-feed.

“A lot of people are saying it’s a disgrace to the uniform. They’re comparing it to urinating and defecating [while in uniform],” says Crystal Scott, a military spouse who started Mom2Mom in January as a breast-feeding support group for military moms and “anyone related to the base” at Fairchild AFB outside Spokane, Wash. “It’s extremely upsetting. Defecating in public is illegal. Breast-feeding is not.”

“I would never nurse in uniform. I took my child to the bathroom or a private office when her nanny brought her to me …. Not because I was ashamed of nursing, nor of being a mother. All the guys knew I pumped. The military is not a civilian job. We go to combat and we make life or death decisions, and not just for ourselves but for those we lead. The same reason I would never nurse in uniform is the same reason I do not chew gum, or walk and talk on my cell phone, or even run into the store in my utility uniform. … We are warfighting professionals. Women before us have worked too hard to earn and retain the respect of their male peers

Another commenter on the blog replies:

“There is N-O-T-H-I-N-G more authoritative than a strong mother standing tall breastfeeding as she barks orders. It’s AWESOME that you’ve worked so hard promote breastfeeding, but I think you *might* be selling yourself short.”


For Full Story :  Military mom ‘proud’ of breast-feeding in uniform, despite criticism

This is  GREAT!  All women should have a choice and the opportunity to breastfeed while at work–even military women.  Women who object should not let their hang-ups interfere with progress.




Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

4 thoughts on “Military mom ‘proud’ of breast-feeding in uniform, despite criticism

  1. Would the same people object if she were feeding her child from a bottle? I doubt it. When a baby is hungry, she has to eat. And closeting yourself in a bathroom to feed her (yuck!) is unreasonable to ask. I love that she’s nurturing and feeding her growing baby in uniform!

    1. Amen Catherine! Going to the bathroom to nurse a hungry baby is simply gross.

      I like your comparison to a bottle because your breasts are bottles that produce and contain the most nutritious and healthiest food for nursing Moms to feed their babies.

      Thanks for your comments.


  2. This is great. If you can’t feed your child bc you’re wearing a uniform then NOBODY should be allowed to eat in uniform. Or, mothers should be allowed to wear civilian clothes while working. Each of those options are ridiculous. People need to grow up. It’s ok to kill someone in uniform but not feed a baby? FEED A BABY!!!! I don’t see how taking care of your child and providing the best possible start for him or her is disgraceful in any way.

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