Lessons from Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn’s Networker-in-Chief

Jeff Weiner sounds like a leader, does he care about the customer experience at LinkedIn?



LinkedIn Speaker Series: Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha



Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

5 thoughts on “Lessons from Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn’s Networker-in-Chief

  1. I remember the connection requests from this gentleman. I was impressed. Following him I noticed this trait in him. Asking for the connection. I don’t know him, but he takes time for the little guy. I don’t spend much time on LinkedIn very much anymore. But with the help of you Angela, Dr. Chip Evans, John Smith and LinkedIn I was ingrained well with what’s important.

    Now it only LinkedIn would follow do the same as him.

    1. He says great things and I gather it is great to work there but what about the customers who are not part of LinkedIN network of intelligence. What efforts are made to help build trusting relationships with customers (LI members)? Based on personal experience communication or rather customer service does not exist or is under the supervision of computers (losing that personal touch necessary for successful trusting relationships).

      In addition, there is no transparency. I will add a lengthy video where both he and Reid Hoffman discuss Reid’s new book, Alliance. I watched the entire video–it was fascinating.

      They are both great and seem very sincere so what is wrong with LI?

  2. I found it ironic that in his “letter” to his father he says he doesn’t care about making money, just helping others through problem solving. Funny, he wasn’t helpful at all and didn’t solve any of my problems when I was with LI, but they sure wanted more money from me –which is why I left. Apparently, many others felt the same if their stock dropped 40%. That’s a pretty substantial slide.

    1. I think he has authenticity down to an art so does Reid. LinkedIn stock price skyrocketed yesterday. They are buying a news alert service. Content gets viewers.

      Do you realize LinkedIn has not turned a profit? Their concepts and theories sound great but are not aligned with their actions. Mal-alignment of values and actions leads to adaptive problems, making transformational tour of duties challenging and unlikely for productive employees as well as foundational tour of duties.

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