Food For Thought: How is Knowledge Transferred?


Knowledge is power  and when applied  provide understanding of  ourselves and each other.  Compassion and empathy,  natural byproducts of self-awareness,  come from understanding  the roots of humanity.

How is knowledge transferred?

Language necessary to  transfer of knowledge, dynamic and fluid  in diverse formats, ……..imparts understanding  through   connections of trust.

How do you transfer knowledge?


Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

12 thoughts on “Food For Thought: How is Knowledge Transferred?

    1. TY…..”Language, symbols, and behavior, that describes or demonstrates objects, actions, and relationships.” Agree

      What is fascinating is the transfer of knowledge is through silence…..or the absence of communication…..

      Even more fascinating is technological transfer of knowledge using various formats and a variety of traditional and digital languages. For most people, this data of knowledge remain as information readily dismissed as noise, making Most people overwhelmed with information or data but not knowledge.

            1. Until you’ve reached a more or less acceptable level in this, maybe you should be a little bit more careful with being so outspoken on topics/issues you don’t know much about and avoid to show the same behavior which appalls you so much. Remember the story of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, and my comment on that which was never published here? Good example of what I’m trying to get across to you now.

  1. “””To effectively generate new ideas, employees need to be trained in problem solving, including an ability to think “outside the box.” It also systematically considers how advanced information technology can be used to leverage existing knowledge and create new knowledge”””.
    David I. Levine & April Gilbert

    I use these fine individuals for the answer. This is how this knowledge was transferred here.

  2. I think conversation is right. Everything that is within us was once between us, shared through rituals, the beliefs that surround us, and even the landscapes we live in. And yet we have our own knowledge too, and our own deep insights, and that is our agency, or as another commenter said our ability to think out of the box. It’s my belief that this happens through sharing our ideas and being treated with respect and deep value while we do so. It’s about there being no right/wrong answers, just dialogue, which perturbs us. This helps us to find our own voice.

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