Could Mutated Zika Cause Microcephaly?

Part 1 of 3:

Could Mutated Zika Cause Microcephaly?

Could the transmission of GMM (genetically-modified) mosquitoes cause mutations in the Zika Virus, resulting in microcephaly?

Despite assurance from agencies (like the WHO and the FDA) that GMM is completely safe and without harmful effects, the evidence is not strong enough to substantiate safe distribution of GMMs.

That kind of assurance was said of the Monsanto herbicide Round-up. Which is now reportedly linked to cancer! It was also said of GMO foods that are now linked to numerous cases of autoimmune disease.

Yet GMO labels are still not mandatory on food products and there is legislation to ensure it stays that way.  Without labels we will be unaware of GMOs in our foods and not know why we are afflicted with certain common cancers.

The hidden or non-use of GMO labels will certainly delay any future links of GMOs with illnesses, prevent parties from taking responsibility and impede on the public’s’ right to safe dietary consumption. This kind of carelessness or disregard leaves the public ignorant and open to hazards.

Has Zika been genetically modified?

Zika, which was first discovered in Uganda in 1947, has suddenly and without reason went from an asymptomatic infection to a global public health emergency. How did that happen?

In Brazil a Zika outbreak was associated with an outbreak of microcephaly. Strong evidence suggests the Zika Virus caused microcephaly and other birth defects in human offsprings. Based on news reports, it appears the link between Zika and microcephaly is isolated to Brazil. In the past, French Polynesia had a similar link.

While the Zika outbreak continues to wreak havoc in Latin America and the Caribbean, microcephaly appears only in Brazil. The areas where GMM were released are the ones where this link is strongest. This is a fact that is currently buried in the hysteria caused by Zika being linked to microcephaly. Panic that seems bent on leaving certain stones unturned and untouched.

Instead, mosquitoes are now viewed as dangerous to the survival of humans and slated for eradication, using the most expensive and high-tech approaches afforded the military and Big Pharma. But isn’t it the virus that caused the disease, not the mosquitoes?

Outbreaks in Brazil started in areas where GMM were released. Could there be now a new mutation, a new viral strain?

Will the war on mosquitoes prevent certain viral infections? Or will the viruses mutate and find new hosts?

Can we eradicate mosquitoes without adversely impacting on our ecosystem?

Basic questions yet again unanswered and unexplored, the smokescreen, red flags paving the path for further investigation.

Zika virus in Brazil may be mutated strain

Part 2 of 3:  The Problem Is NOT Mosquitos But Viruses

Part 3 of 3:  Approaches To Reduce Future Viral Infections 



Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

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