I Am So Fucking Sick Of This World

Did Kathy Griffin Really Go Too Far? She is Trending on Twitter

I am so fucking sick of this world: The bullshit from all sides and the pretense that we live in some sort of democracy where everyone is treated equally or has equal access to basic justice.   I am so fucking sick of the bullshit I hear coming from so-called pundits and experts who fortify the foundation of lies, denials and inequality.

In the eyes of those that benefit from the status quo, racism is non-existent.  Black people are not denied basic access to decent housing or healthcare.  Police brutality doesn’t exist.  It is justified for cops to drive up to a playground and without communication and within seconds shoot and kill a 13-year-old kid playing with his toy gun.

This in a country where the NRA exalts the rights of white men and women to own guns but remains silent when such rights are denied to black men and women.  Philandro Castile murdered for owning a gun legally. I am so fucking sick of this world of bullshit, racism and hypocrisy.

The real terrorism in this world is the status quo.  It’s pervasive, nuanced, overt, structural and deeply embedded as it terrorizes and kills those who are different or refuse to swallow bullshit.  It kills the soul and the heart follows as more people live dead.  It denies targeted ethnic groups safety then blames them for their deaths. Denies those groups decent education, funneling them to prisons and forced servitude then label them lazy and violent.

I am so fucking sick of the status quo. I understand why someone tired of this world would say, I am going but not alone.  That is a person defeated by a ruthless system where recourse or justice is an illusion, not accessible in this life or world.

Yes, I am so fucking sick of this world and I don’t give a fuck whether what I write is proper or not.

Fuck this world!!! #FUCKTHISWORLD #IAmSoFuckingSickOfThisWorld


Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

40 thoughts on “I Am So Fucking Sick Of This World

  1. Someone said, I let the status quo win when I express anger. My response I let them win when I don’t because then I am not being myself. I’m trying to fit into the status quo of lies that tells me the only emotion I should express publicly is joy and gratitude despite the bullshit, hypocrisy and violence waged against me simply for being a black woman. Fuck that!

    1. Why there is denial of social justice in this world? Look up “Asperger-Justiz” (on https://www.pinterest.de/gertrud4617/), or more generally autism spectrum disorder.

      As a case study you might take a closer look at Gunnar Myrdal and his book “An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy”. The nobleprize laureate needs more than 800 pages to proof a) that getting rid of black people in America is not a feasable option and b) that there might be a number of social causes for their lower success in society. So all in all years to distance himself – or also: years where people pushed him to distance himself – at least half-way from his earlier eugenitist and racist believes.
      According to what his daughter and others say about him, Myrdal who graduated in law and economics, clearly had autistic traits. And he is not the only one being on the autism spectrum and holding racist and eugenitist ideas, or otherwise absurd ideas. (See my pinterest page on “Eugenics, racism and ASD” and my other boards on pinterest.)

      For the next one telling you that anger is no good: bash them up with Gandhi (“The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi”). You can also say something like “You are right: Anger is not good for everybody, not for people with the pervasive developmental disorder (like you). But I am neurotypic, so I don’t have real problems with emotional regulation, not like others, so for me anger IS very good. If for you anger is not good, then you just need to learn to stand the anger of people like me.” Or : “You know. There is Linus Torvalds, the developper of the Linux operating system. He admits (in a TED inteview) that he is not a “peoples’ person”, and he advises people like me, instead of requiring people of his kind to be nicer to others, to better become more aggressive ourselves. I have carefully pondered this option, and have come to the conclusion that this is an excellent piece of advise. So I am following it now.”

      1. Hi Eva, I appreciate your response. Will check out your Pinterest boards.

        Anger has always been a strong motivator of change for me and many others. Apathy is probably one of the worst emotions as it usually indicates one has given up.

        Anyway great advice and I thank you.

        1. Another good and short pamphlet on the subject, which was a bestseller in France and Europe: “Time for Outrage: Indignez-vous!” by Stéphane Hessel (2011), a concentration camp survivor, resistance fighter and working at the UN at its very beginnings. He describes also, either there or elsewhere, how the UN was taken over by a certain kind of people, and not the good ones. I think that this happening regularly: after a human catastrophy, there are quite a lot of neurotypic people and the better people on the spectrum that get involved in politics, but then the power positions tend to go without much resistance to anxiety-driven people that are particularly ambitious and hardworking (sometimes to the point of being maniac), but whose engagement tend to suffer from a lack of cognitive (not necessarily emotional!) empathy towards others and towards themselves due to their neurodiverse hardwiring. With them dominating the political field, there is the risk of polarization and radicalization, because their anxiety spirals up.

          1. Eva, Great points! I reread your comments again and wasn’t sure if I responded already. (Can’t tell with the app) so this maybe my second response.

            Do you think political power selects for certain neurotypic types who lack empathy or compassion? That explains much of what we see today plus greed.

  2. Angela Grant, right on. I am fucking sick of this world too, and I’m a white man (from UK); so I can only imagine how much worse it feels for a black woman. Following your blog. Love your honesty. Love your expression. Fuck being nice for the sake of it. All power to you. Apart from my blog here I also have another site I’m working on, just in case you’re interested: http://www.musicoftheresistance.com

  3. PS I am reading The Roots of Civilisation by Abdullah Ocalan. I would highly recommend it. First 50 pages a bit hard going but then it starts to get good. Ocalan is a Kurdish man. He’s been in Turkish prison for years for being a freedom fighter with PKK, classed as terrorist org by USA and Europe and yet recently ruled by Belgian court NOT to be a terrorist group (they are freedom fighters against oppressive state -there is a difference). Ocalan is ideological leader of the Syrian Kurds who have led the fight against Daesh in northern Syria. Anyway, Ocalan shows how civilisation itself has always been an oppressive system since well before the ancient Greeks. His answer is a new form of civilisation that is not based on nation states i.e. no more national governments; only regional assemblies democratically elected. I’m not explaining this very well but you get the picture. It’s not communism. It”s not nation statism. It’s something else. Check it out!

    1. Sounds like a good read. Will check it out, you did a pretty good job explaining.

      Some great points and a different perspective. Agree oppression has been an accepted part of society since humans walked the earth. I believe two qualities of human nature underlie oppression: greed and power. Until we can change human nature or satisfy the need, perhaps virtually, there will always be oppression. Eliminating state borders and nationalism will lead to tribalism, it’s in our nature to seek others who look and feel as we do.

      1. “……..it’s in our nature to seek others who look and feel as we do.”? In our what? Nature? Is that what “they” have told you? And you believed them?

            1. OK, so according to YOU, all humans are selfish, as well as seeking others who look and feel as they do.

              Um…….how many humans do you actually know, that your thinking mind could decide all this belongs to human NATURE?

            2. I said it’s in our nature to be selfish and want to be around people who share our values. Love, a part of human nature, has a way bringing out the best in human nature. Did I forget to mention? Not everything human nature is bad.

      2. I disagree in part. We are already tribal and will always be tribal. Best to admit this fact, do away with national borders and usher in an age of enlightened respectful tribalism which also encourages cultural exchange. Destruction of the natural environment is worsened by centralised power structures. Regional governments of smaller areas would be better for natural resource use as well as better for people. This is my perspective that I share. As for seeking people who look and feel as we do, perhaps you’re right, but with geographically rooted tribalism and the encouragement of travelling worldwide between ‘tribes’ (travelling is shown to reduce prejudice) perhaps a balance can be achieved. The current nation state system does not put an end to harmful versions of tribalism -I think it makes it worse and also introduces the harmful addition of national identity which is often used aggressively and presupposes ‘better than’ other nations; so I don’t see that getting rid of national borders would worsen the bad side of tribalism -it would just be different, that’s all.// By the way I would have replied sooner but I didn’t realise you had replied! Also, you are very special to me as my third ever follower on WordPress. I will be developing a strong base of followers over the years, and I fully intend to make positive change and make significant positive partnerships with people, for social and environmental justice but also for business reasons, eventually. Thanks for following my blog and I hope we can continue our conversation. As a white man from a rural background in southwest England where I hardly saw a non-white face, I would really like to learn from your very different experience, and more of your views on culture and justice.****Could we consider the conversation by email? Mine is matthew.leveret@gmail.com****Thanks! 🙂

        1. Instead of “waiting” for a Middle East……um……..”renaissance”, discussing its possibilities, and beyond, Apo and the rest of the mishpokhe (yup, including, you, Angela, angry Herr Schlüter , and I) should leave (ugh…..at least for a while, eh?) the old, current, and future blablabla about governments, politics, capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism, atheism, Abrahamic religions, Marx, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Marcuse, Freud, Chomsky, Keynes, Sun Tzu, Locke, Hobbes, Smith, Popper, Che Guevara, Kant, Huitzilopochtli, Gandhi, Zeus, Socrates, Schumpeter, Lao-Tse, Hayek, Odin, King, Wittgenstein, and all the others who took it upon themselves to tell “us” how to think, treat others, and shape life on Earth, and instead study Jacques Fresco’s Venus project. A world without money. Can you imagine?

          R. Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
          To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

  4. Angela Grant, from the standpoint of the U.S. Constitution, it was treated like a goddamn piece of paper throughout the presidential administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. First, George W. Bush violated it by implementing the USA Patriot Act, then Barack H. Obama violated it with the National Defense Authorization Act. It seems like the U.S. Constitution is abided by only when it is convenient for most of our politicians to do it.

    1. Jeffry Liakos, if the constitution allowed Trump to be president and remain in office with his corrupt regime, I’d say the constitution is indeed a piece of toilet paper. It needs a overhaul.

            1. Pardon the intrusion, but I’ve read a lot of his writings too. He was most famous for being rector of Stabannan, remember? Um…..has one of you two read his “Determinacio in materia de mendicitate” perhaps? Great stuff.

  5. We live in a world of division. It is not that what unites us that we search for but we search for that what divides us. We do not say “we have 2 legs, 2 arms, a head and eyes, we say “you are white, or black, man or woman, Amerikan or Mexican, its always the not being that counts. Then we have, greed, anger, hate and greed and greed and of course stupidity and greed. See?! The greedier you are the more you strive to enlargen the difference. People who are not well educated can be told bullshit, people who live in fear will obey the state freely because they promise them security, from the poor criminals who otherwise would mug them and kill them. Its a fucking never ending story! I would like to get my hands on one person, just one, you know who, THE FIRST MAN WHO PUT A FENCE AROUND A PIECE OF LAND AND CALLED IT HIS! Its not that I am against property but the dimensions have gone way over board. But humans are, as some have already said not really smart and greedy and emotional and full of fear, partly due to their nature but also because our system today shapes people like that and cultivates this.

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