Why Are There So Many Single Black Women?

Mass Incarceration

Mass Incarceration: What Caused The Dramatic Rise In Never Married African-Americans

Why are so many black women single?  Could this be due to structural racism? Mass Incarceration?  A system that disrupted black families, leaving Black women and children to fend for themselves in an increasingly hostile world.

In general, marriage is on the decline in America.  In 2016, 48% of all Americans married as opposed to 29% of African-Americans.
Approximately 1 in 2  of all African-Americans has never married as opposed to 1 in 3 of all Americans.

Black men marry white women at twice the rate that Black women marry White men.

  • In 2017, 15% of black men were married to non-black women while only 7% of black women were married to non-black men.
  • Of those with non-black spouses,  60%  of black men were married to White women while only 4% of black women were married to white men.

Curiously, in 2012 The U.S Census Bureau did a study on the history of marriage and discovered some surprising statistics.  From 1890 to 1960s,  African-Americans 35 and older were more likely to be married than White Americans.  Then in 1980 something changed.   The number of married African-Americans declined. The number of never-married African Americans began to climb, jumping from 10% in 1980 to 25% in 2010.

In the 1960-70’s mass incarceration began. The chart below shows how the rise in mass incarceration may be related to the dramatic rise in the number of never-married African-Americans.

Why are so many Black women single? Why was there a dramatic rise in never married African-Americans around the same time  mass incarceration started to take hold?   The data suggests a link.  Mass incarceration maybe playing a crucial role in breaking up African-American families,  sentencing many black women to single parenting or single life.  This observation needs further investigation to determine if an association exists.

Since a majority of black women will not consider dating a non-black man, what does that mean for the future of African-Americans as mass incarceration becomes the American way of life?  Was the war on drugs that led to mass incarceration intended to be a war on African American families?





Black Demographics

Marriage In Black America





Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

1 thought on “Why Are There So Many Single Black Women?

  1. I know as a fact that racist police officers let young Black men kill each other in gang fights. I saw this on TV several decades ago, where a White officer confessed/boasted to this fact.

    And what is the War on Drugs really about? Could it be to actually limit the incomes of many a Black criminal and thus keep them poor.

    Which gets back to the above correlation: whether by design or chance, incarcerating childrearing aged Black men then of course they cannot mate with women. Therefore fewer children so eventually, in time, no more Black people.

    And there is a vicious circle to this, as growing up in fatherless and otherwise unstable homes is more likely to create sociopaths, the more such will be imprisoned thus.

    Rather bleak, but maybe true.

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