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Wednesday’s Question: Why Are Hospitals Harming Black Patients? Day 17

Dr. Susan Moore, 52, owned her family practice. She tested positive for Covid on November 29, 2020, and was admitted…

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TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS STUDY: An Unethical Experiment Using African-American Men

For 40 years, public health professionals violated their solemn medical oath (“To do no harm”). They conducted research known as the…

The Brain and Trauma
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Personal Story of Head Injury: A Story Without A Title

Lately, I question everything I do because I forget. You see, in 2012, I suffered severe head trauma that doctors…

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Are Hospitals Deadly For Your Health?

MEDICAL ERRORS Going to the doctor may be deadly for your health! The risk of poor health care is high. …

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Talking with Patients about Other Clinicians’ Errors — NEJM

Talking with Patients about Other Clinicians’ Errors — NEJM.  

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aAngryBlackLady at the Inhumane and Harmful Care Received at Tufts Medical Center ED

Have you ever tweeted a story? I am going to try to tweet my 17 hours stay at Tufts Medical…