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Exercise: Did It!

I walked 6.44 miles this morning in 1 hour and 56 minutes. It felt fantastic! Unlike last Saturday, today was…

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Healthy Life Exercise: Did It!

Did It! I walked over 4 miles this morning. It felt fantastic! Lately, my body is achy. This morning my…

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Healthy Life Exercise: Did It!

Did It! I walked about 4 miles on the treadmill. It felt fantastic! Considering how I started the day, I…

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Exercise: Did It!

Did it! I walked over 5 miles. It felt fantastic! exercise is the best medicine. If everyone did it, big…

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Exercise: Did it!

Did It! I ran a 5k. Running is not easy in hot and humid weather. I had plenty of water…

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Exercise: Did It!

Did it! It feels terrific to jog/run again. I had to go slow because of my heart rate. Every time…

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Exercise: Did It!

Did it! I walked 3.79 miles, and it felt fantastic. The morning air was therapy for me. Today, I tried…

Thanks to Analise Benevides for sharing their work on Unsplash.
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Have You Nurtured and Watered Your Friendships today?

The best friendships watered and nurtured blossom and bear stunning fruits. Having a support network of friends is crucial to…

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Where Can I Find A Doctor

My medical care is on my mind. I’m not getting the best in NH. I’m dying. My doctors are nice…

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A Sense Of Well-being Could Be The Solution

If you could have anything in the world, what would that be? Money, a big house, a luxury car, power,…

Pain is a sign that something needs to change in our lives.
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When something needs to change

Waking up from a nightmare can be unsettling. Waking up and realizing you are living a nightmare is damn scary….

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Sunday’sMeme: Help Others

This quote is the antithesis of today’s values where we devour those in need, take advantage of them and squeeze…