45 thoughts on “Man Who Likened Himself To George Zimmerman Found Guilty of Second Degree Murder

    1. Yvw. One person is dead and another paralyzed partly because the media presented Zimmerman as a hero who stood his ground. They helped him get away with murder.

      1. Yes, the media certainly did represent Zimmerman as a hero. In like manner, I’m picking up on the influence of Dylan Roof in South Carolina that came out in the primary this week. The sad thing is that I seriously doubt that the Democratic candidate running against the neo-nazi is going to bring up what happened to 9 innocent people in church who were killed because of those same ideologies. Maybe that’s a subject for a blog post.

        They want their stand your ground law, but even that law shows it was not intended for people of color. There’s been no recent news on Trevor Dooley who was denied immunity in a case where he was walking away when bum-rushed by the man he shot. His case was reversed on appeal and a new trial ordered, but that had to have been almost 2 years ago.

        I’m tired of being tired.

        1. It would be an important informative blog post.

          I think it’s essential that at least Black Democrats running for office put it on the platform, make it a dividing line issue. If they are prepared to show the atrocities and back it up with data, they will win. People want change, and they want leaders with guts, ones who can fight the system. But I know of no Democratic candidate so far having the courage to go against the boring vanilla democratic party ideology.

  1. I saw the original post and I wondered why the situation was familiar. Once I saw the video of the Dad screaming at that murderer (can ANYONE blame him?), I instantly remembered that clip from The Advise Show. It’s shocking to me that he’s actually getting punished. There better be justice going on. You know if this had been a Black man in the killer’s shoes, he would’ve been in jail or dead already.

      1. Yeah, I couldn’t blame you for having to dig for that story. It does prove my theories right about which crimes get the most attention. The fact Kendle was taken alive only fuels the double standards.

        1. The media seemed to be more interested in Kendle’s mental illness than in his actions and victims. They published that in 2016 and what is the propaganda we hear since? Every mass shooter or killer who is White, is excused for being mentally ill. Yet, they have yet to defend Black victims who do suffer with mental illness, such as Deborah Danner. They blame them for their own deaths while the cops who took their lives walk free.

          1. You know what they say: if a shooter is Black, he’s a thug. If a shooter is Middle-Eastern, he’s a terrorist. If a shooter is Latino, he’s an illegal immigrant. If a shooter is White, he’s just mentally ill. I hate the excuses they make for whoever kills people. Also, people of a similar ethnic persuasion as Kendle never have to be judged by proxy for someone else’s crimes. Shoot, I’m half-White, and I certainly never get treated like someone who looks like my dad or his side of the family since I know I’m dark enough to get profiled. This victim blaming on so many innocent people is infuriating and is bullying to the nth degree.

            1. Thanks, Xena. I do admit that I’m not some role model or beacon of morality, but situations like these just make the double standards that much clearer as I cannot stand the hypocrisy with how some people are treated compared to others.

            2. It’s part of the superiority ideology that racial bigotry is rooted in that births hypocrisy. I’ve observed it for decades. It says that no matter what Blacks do, they are never good enough.

            3. Do you think superiority comes with a price? When you know there is nothing superior about you and you can see the “superiority” or rather strengths of others you hate?

            4. Re:

              “Do you think superiority comes with a price? “

              Yes and no. The root of White superiority ideology is that they are more intelligent than others. If they try to exercise proving their superiority, it’s almost the same as being in an abusive relationship. It requires that POC are passive, dependent or co-dependent, or needy in some fashion, even if those things are created by the person believing they are superior. How the one thinking they are superior reacts to not being successful creating those conditions of control determines the price. The price is generally negative for their own psychological well-being; fear, anger, depression, self-hate.

            5. That was well-said. I certainly had that feeling that nothing I did was ever good enough. My reasonings weren’t always racial, but there were certainly aspects of it that were covertly implied even when I did something right.

            6. Re: Not being good enough. Some years ago, I had the experience of meeting a White woman who said she wanted to join the cause against racism. She had been reading my blog posts and comments for some time. As time went on, she began correcting my pronunciation, without understanding or appreciating that in America, there are dialects. (She’s on the East Coast.) The last time she accused me of mispronouncing a word, it was very obvious that she didn’t hear what she accused me of saying.

              She will say that she is not racist, but her belief in racial superiority was exposed. Sincerely, I wondered for years if that is just her personality — if she does that to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, but then I faced the reality that by her choice, she only participates on two blogs, both administered by Black women. Thus, I concluded that she is not interested in fighting racism, but rather in exercising her superiority ideology over strong Black women.

            7. I’m sorry to hear about that happening to you. No one should ever feel like they’re inferior. I’ve noticed that many of those people won’t say they are superior upfront and overtly. It’s all about subterfuge and code words (dog whistles at worst, let’s be honest). Recently, there have been times where I would call people out on it and they would stop. Fortunately, some of them apologized to me. On my film review blog, I would do “preemptive” defenses by mentioning some racial issues if they were relevant to the movie I critiqued or mention double standards like some “imagine if the situation was reversed” logic that I used for certain media that Hollywood plagiarized from other counties or mentioning other situations.

            8. Ospreyshire, thanks for the “preemptive” defenses. What I ran into was that the subject person wanted me to write for her, that she would then “contribute” to in the comment section. That was the first red flag; that is, Whites wanting to take advantage of and use what they did not build. It’s a long story involving various red flags and dog whistles. When she would not stop the personal attacks, (and attempts to intrude into my personal life and my time), it was time for me to move on.

            9. Xena, recently I have heard many stories from people experiencing similar stalking attacks online. Many who suffered these attacks have gone offline or created a wall around their social media presence. These are people who want to a make positive difference. They are intimated/bullied online to shut up or limit their influence. Going to local authorities seems to have limited impact.

              Xena, whenever they stalk you like that it’s because they consider you a threat. That woman is probably part of a troll group instead of a lone wolf creep. The alt-right is more organized than we ever imagined.

            10. No problem. Part of it comes from researching with what I’m talking about and being able to back everything up. That’s so unfortunate you had to deal with the situation. I’ve certainly noticed some of that flawed logic whenever they result to ad hominems and strawman arguments.

            11. I don’t feel inferior, never have and never will. I was angry now I am determined to do my part to change things. My strength surprised me. I have come a long, long way. I can look in the mirror and honestly say, I love myself. How many can say the same?

              However, in getting people to listen I am better in person than with the pen. I am going to borrow your approach by anticipating and responding to negativity as I write. Thanks!

            12. That is very inspiring and I certainly applaud that about you. I wish I never felt inferior to anyone. I’m slowly starting to appreciate myself as a human being, but I still have a ways to go.

              I see. Thanks for borrowing my approach. I don’t want to come off as defensive, yet it certainly helps to create some verbal bulwarks in case anyone tries anything. On my film review blog (one of my four blogs), there have been a few reviews I’ve written where I thought I would get death threats because some of them had some uncomfortable truths about them.

            13. It’s amazing to me that people resort to such savagery when you disagree with their cherished beliefs. As a black woman I’m use to people not believing me. I expect and plan for it.

              Why do you think people become so defensive to the point of making death threats? Ever wonder why these people don’t fear the law when they leave a trail of evidence?

            14. I know, right? It’s like a threat to them when people tell the truth.

              I never received death threats for those posts, but it does astound me how thin-skinned people can be. The posts in question involve reviews of 3 different Japanese films that Hollywood has been accused of plagiarizing (one has tons of evidence that it happened) and some documentaries which deal with WS attacks and anti-racism themes.

            15. You’re right; it’s infuriating. We are appalled and disgusted when we read about these atrocities and crimes against humanity. However, there are white Americans who celebrate these crimes and wish to commit similar acts. That kind of copycat behavior, I don’t understand.

              However, the status quo is such, many white people arbor such feelings and ideology. They are in control, and their numbers are significant. It galls me when attempts are made to downplay those numbers.

            16. I know, right? It’s not just the celebration, but also the pure silence from people that could make a difference. Silence becomes consent in these horrific situations. I’m still baffled by copycat behaviors. I’m with you when it comes to being angry at how these killers actions get downplayed by mainstream media.

            17. Too bad there isn’t an amendment that penalizes the media for deceiving the public or being complicit in helping nazi groups, the kkk and white supremacists.

            18. Yeah, seriously. I thought Charlottesville would’ve been a bigger wake-up call, but I stood corrected. Having a few of my friends being aware of the hypocrisy of that situation certainly wasn’t enough.

          2. You wonder if the US criminal system considered what the motives and ramifications are of downplaying the criminality of white mass shooters? And of villainizing innocent people of color maliciously murdered by white people?

            1. The motive is to convey and support the idea that when Whites commit crimes, it’s because of some chemical in their brain not operating properly, or stress, or fear, whereas when Blacks are accused of committing crimes, it’s in their nature to do so. I use the word “accused” because in most cases, the only “weapon” Black victims have is their freedom of speech.

            2. Yeah and now many of us are so stressed and frustrated it’s hard to communicate. One of the problems I encountered after my head injury was difficulty communicating. When I see cops slam someone’s head down on a sidewalk pavement then strike that person, who was convicted of no crime, multiple times with fists and batons in the head, it brings me back to my head injury where I passed out inside.

      2. Xena, you do great investigative research.

        I’m glad Kendle was sentenced to life. I hope it’s without parole so he can spend the rest of his life standing his ground in prison.

        Many WS or mass shooters usually give warning signs that they are at risk to harm others or themselves, but the system is not designed to be proactive and de-escalate. It’s reactive and more often than not contribute to the problem it’s trying to solve.

        We understand enough about rehabilitation and de-escalation to help Americans by normalizing the process. One wonders why they are seldom used for people of color?

        1. Angela, thank you for your kind words. I wish that I had more energy and time to post more. You asked why rehabilitation and de-escalation is seldom used for people of color? Because the dehumanization of people of color is rooted in America.

          1. Xena, so many people I meet wished they had more energy and that includes me. From your perspective, what are some of the ways POC are dehumanized in America?

            1. Re: dehumanization.
              It centers around associating Blacks with animals or objects. A study was conducted that supports a link between dehumanization and sanctioned violence. An example of this is with Darren Wilson, the cop who killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Before the grand jury, Wilson described Michael as looking like a “demon”. Michael had been shot numerous times with one bullet coming through one of his eyes, yet Wilson perceived that Michael’s human response to pain was not human.

              There are other examples, but we can go back to the time of slavery when animal doctors gave medical care to Black slaves. Animals cannot communicate in human language to tell what is wrong with them. When vets cannot see and cure the ailment, euthanizing is sanctioned.

            2. Ty, you gave me another lens to view racism. I know it is the culture to justify heinous, inhumane acts by making them Biblically justified. But hadn’t quite appreciated why whites call us monkeys even today. It’s a way of
              compartmentalizing to ward off cognitive dissonance after they murder innocent black people. Many whites who commit these acts are devout Christians who attend church regularly. It’s not a sin to murder an “animal”, eh?

            3. Angela, the monkey issue is hypocritical of their beliefs in Creation as opposed to revolution. It gives them justification to take from, brutalize, enslave, and kill Blacks as inferior beings. I know of Whites who attend Baptist churches and talking with some, it became obvious that they take credit for improving what they consider “savages”. One person I had known for a long time and one day I brought up the horror brought upon Native Americans. Her response was that God allowed it because they were “savages”. That floored me. No where does Jesus say that if others have another religious belief, that we are to kill and steal from them. In fact, he said if the gospel is not accepted, to knock the dust off our feet and walk away.

            4. It’s amazing how the hypocritical mind works, but most of this hypocrisy is cultural to maintain WS. It is part of the culture to make up any lie to justify its evil actions. Listen to how Biblical themes are used even today to justify child abuse, forcibly separating small children from family then placing those children in concentration camps.

              Now that I’m aware of the cultural nature of these lies, I recognize the nuanced lies all over the media. Yesterday, I watched a CNN Anderson Cooper report on migrant children. As CNN reported on the situation in the background was a slideshow depicting Trump favorably as strong and tough. Yet CNN Anderson Cooper followed by Cuomo continued to feign outrage at Trump’s zero tolerance policy. I say feign because the slideshow had the effect of non-verbally communicating their support for the zero-tolerance policy. One cannot tell me CNN had no idea their words did not align with the images. Pictures evoke strong and lasting emotions.

              BTW, anything that is zero tolerance will not work. It has been proven so many times, it is a fact.

      1. That is a great question and I’ve wondered what could be done for the subject at hand. I’ve been more compelled to talk about racism like the stuff that’s happened to me and researching so many historical things that don’t get talked about.

        1. Take for example, Strom Thurmond was a WS/KKK type, the longest-serving member of the Senate who raped a 15-16-year-old black girl. I’m not sure how many times or how many others.

          He was a womanizer, known to fondle white women and apparently raped black girls. A child was born from a violent act of rape, Essie Mae Washington-Williams who was 87 years when she died. Thurmond secretly paid for her education to traditionally black schools while he continued to put forth and support Jim Crow laws. He died at 100 years old. At 78 years old Essie Mae was legally recognized as one of his children. She and her mother kept his secret.

          I wonder why she or her mother didn’t point out his hypocrisy as many white women would have. I wonder why black women and black men haven’t come forth to bring charges of the rape and crimes inflicted on them by white men and women similar to what happened to Bill Cosby? I’m sure there are recent examples are out there.

          During his heyday, I remember Strom Thurmond as the face of Jim Crow- white supremacy, racism, and the KKK. When I googled him his WS ideology or KKK sympathies were downplayed, he was portrayed as a “progressive” senator. One was made to believe he championed causes that helped southern blacks.

          How can one really know the truth when it is disappearing from databases and damning facts are erased or replaced with myths?

          1. Strom Thurmond was a hardcore bigoted scumbag which we all can agree on, but I didn’t even know that about him. That’s appalling on so many levels. I knew it used to be legal in America for White men to rape Black women which calling it an atrocity would be an understatement, but something like this shouldn’t surprise me anymore.

            That brings up a good question. I don’t know if Stockholm Syndrome would be the right term, but there’s definitely a coercion into silence at play. Maybe it was fear of a whitelash if any accusations were called? Possibly a slandering campaign against the victims?

            He was called “progressive”? The level of devious irony is off the charts! It is just infuriating how history gets downplayed or straight up fabricated.

            1. One reason blockchains excite me, the ability to store data that is immutable. Rn it’s ridiculous how the truth is replaced by lies. Americans eat up those lies because it aligns with their culture of WS.

            2. That’s really cool. I’ve done some tech things although most of it is media related (videography, some design, music production), but I never got to try anything like coding. It’s true how so many people are comforted by these lies.

  2. Angela,

    “Xena, whenever they stalk you like that it’s because they consider you a threat. That woman is probably part of a troll group instead of a lone wolf creep. The alt-right is more organized than we ever imagined.”

    When I opened by my blog in 2012, it was because I wanted to support justice for Trayvon Martin. A group of racists attacked me. I was threatened with having my reputation ruined unless I either deleted my blog or, as it as stated, came over to their side. I wasn’t doing either. That same group continued and progressed through the years. On July 4, 2015, I opened another blog for the exclusive purpose of documenting their threats and more importantly, their methods. A month or so later, all but one in that group left me alone and went on. The one remaining left me alone around March 2017.

    However, in Nov. 2015, I made a blog administrator’s decision and terminated writer privileges for a person who had asked to write for my original blog. In his anger, he retaliated and recruited a flying monkey to help him. One of his earlier threats was that he was going to do what the previous racial harassers failed to do. As he saw that nothing he did intimidated me, he progressed to threatening my and my family’s life.

    After law enforcement reached out to him, he went stealth, contacting people on Twitter via direct messages and having them complain about things on my blogs that were posted back in 2013-2015. Their complaints were outright ridiculous. I deleted nothing. Working in stealth, he still tries to recruit flying monkeys to do his dirty work for him.

    The subject woman however is a lone wolf. Trust me on this. The first pack was in-your-face. The former writer, a White Latino, was more subtle. I picked up pretty soon that he is not a person to trust and as the old folks say, I fed him with a long-handled spoon. Both the former writer and the subject White woman have something in common in the sense that they sought to exploit me. Failing to do so, rather than walking away, they progressed, exposing themselves.

    Because I come from a family and life of diversity, I judge people on how they treat me and not the color of their skin. This experience however, caused me to remind myself everyday for awhile that they are not representative of the entire White race.

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