Physicians Guide Patients Choice


Physicians Guide Patient’s Choice of Treatment

Doctor Priorities vs. Patient Priorities

The link to Doctor Priorities vs. Patient Priorities, DANIELLE OFRI, M.D uniquely frames contrasting views of illness between patients and physicians. At the same time, she reminds that patients determine their care and physicians guide toward roads of health. Finally, our outcomes measures are lacking by putting  research parameters first.

A diabetic patient educated about his disease yet noncompliant with alarmingly elevated blood sugars headed for disaster without treatment but refusing. Similar to most physicians Dr Ofri does not bludgeon the patient nor refer him for psychotherapy   She takes times with multiple visits to understand her patient’s illness, contextually within the scope of his life as opposed to limiting her understanding of his illness to her priorities  as a physician.   For example, limiting her understanding to diabetes and its complications and not the impact of dietary changes or treatment options on a patient’s lifestyle.

A physician’s job is to help patients and do no harm. Patients have the right to refuse treatment; exception being impairment of decision-making capacities.  Physicians guide but it the patient’s choice of treatment.  A right to refuse treatment exists and cannot be dismissed unless the patient or guardian’s decision-making capacity is impaired.  Impairment is subjectively and always objectively evaluated and documented prior to removing that right.  Modern day medicine has forgotten these seemingly trivial standards but crucial  in protecting patients as well as providing effective medical care.

Dissimilar to Boston Children’s Hospital–most physicians find alternative non-adversarial resolutions for disputes over treatment (btw, these disputes happens often) Treatment plans developed in collaboration with patients are the most effective paths of engagement and trust, the pre-requisite to patient compliance and the road to health.

Parent-Ectomy a term coined by Boston Children’s Hospital seizure of  Justina Pelletier and other children from parents  with the  full support of the Department Children and Families in MA.  Parent-Ectomy Success derives from labels. Labelled patients are not only ignored and denied standard medical care  but often find themselves stuck fighting POWERFUL systems with deep pockets without funds or representation.


Defamatory labels concocted by hospitals who have total control of  the patients medical records (information input) prime the system and other systems to pre-judge patients and discriminate.   Discrimination  compromises medical care,  results in misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.    Discrimination triggered by buzz words in the medical records hinder attempts at recourse by patients.   Legal firms complicit in this organized maze of crime through policies that make their services inaccessible and unaffordable.

Glaring evidence refuting such labels cannot match POWERFULLY organized systems composed of concealed partnerships. Systems of no accountability, multitudinous sources of funding and MONEY, lucrative business partnerships offer complex armors of secret powers cloaked by judges, government agencies and law enforcement — fertile breeding ground for corruption and its lack of transparency.

Dr. Ofri poetically describes the art of medicine. Respecting patient’s wishes, honoring the oath to do no harm and, as a result, finding common focus that offers future opportunities for change on the path to health.

Great article!




Author: Angela Grant

Angela Grant is a medical doctor. For 22 years, she practiced emergency medicine and internal medicine. She studied for one year at Harvard T. H Chan School Of Public Health. She writes about culture, race, and health.

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